Total spin of two spin-1/2 particles

On my book I read:


Now, I have two questions:

  • What's χ+(1)χ+(2)χ+(1)χ+(2) ? I know that χ+=(1,0)χ+=(1,0) but I really don't understand that writing (what is a product between vectors?!). Is it maybe just a way to indicate a vector in C4C4? Or instead it is a matrix or other?
  • What's SztotSztot? Is it 2x2 matrix or a, 4x4 matrix or other?

I also don't understand why the book distinguishes S1zS1z and S2zS2z, aren't them the same 2x2 matrix defined for the single electron?

Thanks for your attenction and please answer in a simple way (I'm a begginer in these subjects).

You have to distinguish between S1zS1z and S2zS2z because every operator acts on a different space, so they are different matrices if expressed in the same base (Frobenius answer). Maybe it is more clear in ket notation? Sztotal|m,m=(S1z+S2z)|m,m=S1z|m,m+S2z|m,m=(m+m)|m,mSztotal|m,m=(S1z+S2z)|m,m=S1z|m,m+S2z|m,m=(m+m)|m,m

Respuestas (2)

You must study about product states, product space of two (linear) spaces, product of linear transformations etc (product symbol ) χ+(1)χ+(2)χ+(1)χ+(2)




A representation : χ+(1)=[ξ1ξ2],χ+(2)=[η1η2]χ+(1)χ+(2)=[ξ1η1ξ1η2ξ2η1ξ2η2]

Now S1z=[a11a12a21a22],I2=[1001]S1zI2=[a11a12a21a22][1001]=[a11[1001]a12[1001]a21[1001]a22[1001]]S1zI2=[a110a1200a110a12a210a2200a210a22]
and I1=[1001],S2z=[b11b12b21b22]I1S2z=[1001][b11b12b21b22]=[1[b11b12b21b22]0[b11b12b21b22]0[b11b12b21b22]1[b11b12b21b22]]I1S2z=[b11b1200b21b220000b11b1200b21b22]
From equations (05) and (06) Sztot=(S1zI2)+(I1S2z)=[(a11+b11)b12a120b21(a11+b22)0a12a210(a22+b11)b120a21b21(a22+b22)]
If for example S1z=12[1001],S2z=12[1001]
then Sztot=(S1zI2)+(I1S2z)=[1000000000000001]
The matrix in (09) is already diagonal with eigenvalues 1,0,0,-1. Rearranging rows and columns we have
because, as could be proved(1), the product 4-dimensional Hilbert space is the direct sum of two orthogonal spaces : the 1-dimensional space of the angular momentum j=0j=0 and the 3-dimensional space of the angular momentum j=1j=1 : 22=13
In general for two independent angular momenta jαjα and jβjβ, living in the (2jα+1)(2jα+1) dimensional and (2jβ+1)(2jβ+1) dimensional spaces HαHα and HβHβ respectively, their coupling is achieved by constructing the (2jα+1)(2jβ+1)(2jα+1)(2jβ+1) dimensional product space HfHf
Then the product space HfHf is expressed as the direct sum of nn mutually orthogonal subspaces Hρ(ρ=1,2,,n1,n)Hρ(ρ=1,2,,n1,n) HfHαHβ=H1H2Hn=ρ=nρ=1Hρ
where the subspace HρHρ corresponds to angular momentum jρjρ and has dimension dim(Hρ)=2jρ+1
with jρ=|jβjα|+ρ1,ρ=1,2,,n1,nn=2min(jα,jβ)+1
Equation (13) is expressed also in terms of the dimensions of spaces and subspaces as : (2jα+1)(2jβ+1)=ρ=nρ=1(2jρ+1)
Equation (11) is a special case of equation (16) : jα=12,jβ=12j1=0,j2=1

(1) the square of total angular momentum S2S2 expressed in the basis of its common with SztotSztot eigenvectors has the following diagonal form : S2=[0000020000200002]=[(S2)(j=0)01×303×1(S2)(j=1)]

since for S1x=12[0110],S2x=12[0110]
we have Sxtot=(S1xI2)+(I1S2x)=12[0110100110010110]
and consequently S2xtot=14[0110100110010110]2=12[1001011001101001]S2ytot=14[0ii0i00ii00i0ii0]2=12[1001011001101001]S2ztot=[1000000000000001]2=[1000000000000001]
From S2tot=S2xtot+S2ytot+S2ztot
we have finally S2tot=[2000011001100002]
For its eigenvalues λλ det(S2totλI4)=|2λ00001λ10011λ00002λ|=λ(2λ)3
So the eigenvalues of S2totS2tot are: the eigenvalue λ1=0=j1(j1+1)λ1=0=j1(j1+1) with multiplicity 1 and the eigenvalue λ2=2=j2(j2+1)λ2=2=j2(j2+1) with multiplicity 3.

That is a very good answer (and a lot of work - and I haven't even looked at parts 2 and 3 yet). When is the book coming out?
The book part was very much tongue-in-cheek. I've already upvoted your answer but I will now upvote the question for bringing out this answer. Thank you.
I have to ask: I write a lot of LaTeX myself, and writing this much would be very difficult for me. Do you have a special LaTeX workflow that speeds it up? There's no way you write it in the browser, right?
@knzhou In many answers of mine, like the ones here, I had already written in LaTeX (TexLive 2015 or 2016 or 2017 using Texmaker) the main equations and text. But to write the code with Texmaker-TexLive for new answers was very difficult and time consuming. Of course it's impossible to write it in the browser because it would be annoying to have your answer perpetually on the front page.
@knzhou So, I was lucky to find an online editor : Overleaf (first v1 and later v2). You edit and the compilation is direct and online showing you your probable mistakes. Completing your answer you copy-paste LaTeX code in PSE. See images here : Overleaf v2

F O U R T H___ A N S W E R

(upvote or downvote my 1rst answer only. My 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th answers are addenda to it)

(continued from T H I R D___ A N S W E R )

SECTION C : Angular Momentum Coupling and Product Transformations

Let again the two systems αα and ββ with angular momentum jαjα and jβjβ respectively, independent between each other and living in the real space R3R3. Suppose also that both jαjα and jβjβ are integers corresponding to orbital angular momentum.

Now, let an infinitesimal rotation by angle δθδθ around an axis with unit vector n=(n1,n2,n3)n=(n1,n2,n3). Since the nncomponent of orbital angular momentum is the generator of rotations around this axis, the infinitesimal changes of states ξHαξHα and ηHβηHβ due to this infinitesimal rotation are δξ=iδθJαnξδη=iδθJβnη

where for the nncomponents of the vector operators we have Jαn=nJα=n1Jα1+n2Jα2+n3Jα3Jβn=nJβ=n1Jβ1+n2Jβ2+n3Jβ3
If we intend to construct a consistent angular momentum operator JJ of the coupled system ff in the product space Hf=HαHβHf=HαHβ, then the infinitesimal change of the product state (ξη)(ξη) must be δ(ξη)=iδθJn(ξη)