Sincronización warp de paridad lenta

Esta es la primera vez que intento instalar un cliente Ethereum y estoy intentando con Parity v1.6.6 en Arch Linux (sudo pacman -S parity).

Leí que la opción --warp permite ahorrar tiempo al no sincronizar toda la cadena de bloques, pero, sinceramente, todavía parece lento para mis expectativas...

Lo estoy ejecutando desde hace 30 minutos y está sincronizando la instantánea 1/158, ¿es normal?

Hace apenas unos minutos se reinició desde cero:

017-05-13 22:41:52  Syncing snapshot 1/158        #0    3/25/25 peers     3 MiB db    7 KiB chain  0 bytes queue   10 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  5 req/s,  82 µs
2017-05-13 22:41:57  Syncing snapshot 1/158        #0    3/25/25 peers     3 MiB db    7 KiB chain  0 bytes queue   10 KiB sync  RPC:  2 conn,  6 req/s,  81 µs
2017-05-13 22:42:02  Syncing snapshot 1/158        #0    3/24/25 peers     3 MiB db    7 KiB chain  0 bytes queue   10 KiB sync  RPC:  2 conn,  5 req/s,  70 µs
2017-05-13 22:42:07  Syncing snapshot 1/158        #0    3/24/25 peers     3 MiB db    7 KiB chain  0 bytes queue   10 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  6 req/s,  68 µs
2017-05-13 22:42:12  Syncing snapshot 1/158        #0    1/23/25 peers     3 MiB db    7 KiB chain  0 bytes queue   10 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  6 req/s,  94 µs
2017-05-13 22:42:17  Syncing snapshot 1/158        #0    1/23/25 peers     3 MiB db    7 KiB chain  0 bytes queue   10 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  5 req/s,  94 µs
2017-05-13 22:42:39  Imported #2 b495…98c9 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.44 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 1 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:43  Imported #986 a116…08bf (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.36 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 1 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:45  Imported #1434 943b…9a56 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.28 ms, 1.06 KiB) + another 2 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:46  Imported #1773 1dff…4535 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.11 ms, 0.53 KiB)
2017-05-13 22:42:47    12/20/25 peers    12 MiB db    2 MiB chain  0 bytes queue    1 MiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  9 req/s,  77 µs
2017-05-13 22:42:48  Imported #2794 46f3…6a0a (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.24 ms, 1.06 KiB) + another 1 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:49  Imported #2803 a6dc…6546 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.33 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 2 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:51  Imported #3175 a296…c4a3 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.12 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 1 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:52  Imported #3556 8171…3d91 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.11 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 2 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:42:53  Imported #3562 c3de…552d (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.13 ms, 0.53 KiB)
2017-05-13 22:43:02  Syncing    #5426 df06…8382   218 blk/s    0 tx/s   0 Mgas/s    284+    0 Qed     #5715    3/24/25 peers    27 MiB db    5 MiB chain  494 KiB queue  969 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  5 req/s,  73 µs
2017-05-13 22:43:02  Imported #5715 e06b…95fa (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.59 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 3 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:43:06  Imported #5734 7d62…9da2 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.21 ms, 0.53 KiB)
2017-05-13 22:43:07  Imported #6223 544e…07ff (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 0.57 ms, 0.53 KiB) + another 3 block(s) containing 0 tx(s)
2017-05-13 22:43:27  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    3/20/25 peers    29 MiB db    7 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  5 req/s,  88 µs
2017-05-13 22:43:37  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    3/23/25 peers    29 MiB db    7 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  7 req/s,  95 µs
2017-05-13 22:43:47  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    2/23/25 peers    29 MiB db    6 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  2 conn,  5 req/s,  96 µs
2017-05-13 22:43:57  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    2/22/25 peers    29 MiB db    6 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  2 conn,  5 req/s,  88 µs
2017-05-13 22:44:00  Unauthorized connection to Signer API blocked.
2017-05-13 22:44:07  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    2/21/25 peers    29 MiB db    7 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  2 conn, 19 req/s,  90 µs
2017-05-13 22:44:17  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    2/22/25 peers    29 MiB db    6 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  8 req/s,  91 µs
2017-05-13 22:44:27  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    1/22/25 peers    29 MiB db    6 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  2 conn,  7 req/s,  78 µs
2017-05-13 22:44:37  Syncing snapshot 0/158     #6249    1/22/25 peers    29 MiB db    6 MiB chain  0 bytes queue  966 KiB sync  RPC:  1 conn,  6 req/s,  88 µs


2017-05-13 22:44:00  Unauthorized connection to Signer API blocked.

Me preocupa, ¿se trata de alguna solicitud de la interfaz de usuario de Parity?

Sí, la API de firmante es la interfaz de usuario de Wallet, pero no está relacionada. Intente ejecutar parity --snapshot-peers 16lo que agrega pares adicionales para la sincronización warp.

Respuestas (2)

O tiene una mala conexión o no tiene suficientes compañeros que puedan proporcionarle una instantánea warp. Puede agregar pares de instantáneas warp adicionales con:

parity --snapshot-peers 16

Esto ayudará a mantener la sincronización warp.

 run parity -lsync=trace
looking for:  "IO Worker #3 TRACE sync  Checking snapshot sync: X (peer: Y)" 
Search for the largest number Y  in (peer: Y) 
then copy X
 stop parity and remove -lsync=trace
open ".../.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/config.toml "
and update config.toml with warp_barrier = X
 run  : parity