No se pudo actualizar de macOs High Sierra GM al lanzamiento público

Tengo un MPB con macOS 10.13 Beta (17A362a) (GM), al intentar instalar la versión pública desde la App Store me sale el siguiente error:

Ocurrió un error al preparar la instalación. Intente ejecutar la aplicación de nuevo.

¿Alguna idea de lo que está mal con la instalación?

Estas son las entradas relevantes que he encontrado en los registros:

    Sep 26 00:06:18 Gils-MacBook-Pro InstallAssistant[873]: objc[873]: Class OSISSystemInfo is implemented in both /Applications/Install macOS High (0x109da1ec8) and /Applications/Install macOS High (0x10d24fa70). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 26 00:06:18 Gils-MacBook-Pro InstallAssistant[873]: objc[873]: Class OSISSystemInfo is implemented in both /Applications/Install macOS High (0x109da1ec8) and /Applications/Install macOS High (0x1143e2990). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 26 00:06:18 Gils-MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[875]: objc[875]: Class APFSMachineSupport is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSInstaller.framework/Versions/A/OSInstaller (0x7fffb59e7270) and /Applications/Install macOS High (0x10f51a570). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Progress UI App Starting
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: No boot windows available
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Hiding the cursor in Progress UI
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: caller = /Applications/Install macOS High
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Version 2
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Clearing phase info
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro osishelperd[905]: Add phase named "OS Installer", progress 5.000000, delayInSeconds 0
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhaseList: Unable to get phases
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhase: Unable to get the current phase name
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phaseName = (null)
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Current phase name wasn't saved, using the first phase in the list, current phase = "(null)"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: _currentPhase = "(null)", _phases = (null)
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro osishelperd[905]: Add phase named "OS Installer 2", progress 55.000000, delayInSeconds 0
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASClearInstallProgress: Clearing Registry
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 0.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 5.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 10.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 15.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 20.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 25.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 30.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 55;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 85.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 55;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 3";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 90.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 55;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 3";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Setup Assistant";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 10;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Progress app is loading…
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Progress app is running…
Sep 26 00:06:59 Gils-MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[875]: BUG in libdispatch client: dispatch_mig_server: mach_msg() failed (ipc/send) invalid data - 0x10000002

¿La actualización mediante la descarga de la tienda de aplicaciones es la forma preferida? Supuse que habría un parche disponible en uno o dos días.

Respuestas (1)

Logré resolver esto eliminando el archivo de instalación y descargándolo nuevamente.

Me quedo atascado en el reinicio del bucle y 20 minutos después recibo un error nuevamente. ¿Cómo salgo del bucle y llego a un estado utilizable donde puedo eliminar y volver a descargar?
Arranqué en modo seguro, reinicié el SMC y la mac arrancó bien, después de que fallara la actualización.
No estoy seguro de por qué tuve tantos problemas con el método abreviado de teclado Command-R para acceder al modo de recuperación. Pero finalmente tuve que borrar mi HD y empezar de nuevo. Ojalá tuviera una copia de seguridad de todas mis aplicaciones, pero por lo demás no es gran cosa gracias a la nube.