Ethereum Bridge: se activó el registro WARN con myid del contrato, pero ya se había visto antes, omitiendo el evento

Estoy usando la aplicación de escritorio ganache con nodejs donde necesito obtener valores de API a través de ethereum-bridge.

El siguiente es el código del contrato:

pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

import "./usingOraclize.sol";

contract BondRegister is usingOraclize {

uint public energy;

event Log(string text);

function BondRegister() {

 Log("Contract created");
 OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475);

function getCall() payable returns(bool success) {

 oraclize_query("URL", "json(");

function __callback(bytes32 _myid,string result) {

if (msg.sender != oraclize_cbAddress()) { 
     Log("thrown error");
Log("Entered callback function");
energy = parseInt(result, 2);


function getenergy() returns (uint) {
return energy;

En la consola ethereum-bridge, recibo una advertencia de que se omite el evento .

 node bridge -H localhost:7545 -a 5

 Please wait...
 [2018-02-20T03:21:51.031Z] INFO you are running ethereum-bridge - version: 0.5.5
 [2018-02-20T03:21:51.033Z] INFO saving logs to: ./bridge.log
 [2018-02-20T03:21:51.034Z] INFO using active mode
 [2018-02-20T03:21:51.034Z] INFO Connecting to eth node 
 [2018-02-20T03:21:53.953Z] INFO connected to node type EthereumJS TestRPC/v2.0.2/ethereum-js
 [2018-02-20T03:21:54.857Z] WARN Using 0x2932b7a2355d6fecc4b5c0b6bd44cc31df247a2e to query contracts on your blockchain, make sure it is unlocked and do not use the same address to deploy your contracts
 [2018-02-20T03:21:55.087Z] INFO deploying the oraclize connector contract...
 [2018-02-20T03:22:06.056Z] INFO connector deployed to: 0x2fcea879fdc9fe5e90394faf0ca644a1749d0ad6
 [2018-02-20T03:22:06.299Z] INFO deploying the address resolver with a deterministic address...
 [2018-02-20T03:22:30.183Z] INFO address resolver (OAR) deployed to: 0x6f485c8bf6fc43ea212e93bbf8ce046c7f1cb475
 [2018-02-20T03:22:30.184Z] INFO updating connector pricing...
 [2018-02-20T03:22:42.308Z] INFO successfully deployed all contracts
 [2018-02-20T03:22:42.349Z] INFO instance configuration file saved to /home/kottackal/Downloads/ethereumbridge/ethereum-bridge-master/config/instance/oracle_instance_20180220T085242.json

Please add this line to your contract constructor:

OAR = OraclizeAddrResolverI(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475);

[2018-02-20T03:22:42.363Z] WARN re-org block listen is disabled while using TestRPC
[2018-02-20T03:22:42.363Z] WARN if you are running a test suit with Truffle and TestRPC or your chain is reset often please use the --dev mode
[2018-02-20T03:22:42.364Z] INFO Listening @ 0x2fcea879fdc9fe5e90394faf0ca644a1749d0ad6 (Oraclize Connector)

(Ctrl+C to exit)

[2018-02-20T03:26:32.709Z] WARN log with contract myid: 0x1e84508fa52c2d976ef07fe21f02446249a23e0a0b20eeaee263fa309b9c7e49 was triggered, but it was already seen before, skipping event...

Respuestas (1)

Cuando borré el archivo CallbackTxs y el archivo Queries en la ethereum-bridge-master/database/tingodbcarpeta, Apicall se ejecutó correctamente. Solo necesita borrar la información de registro anterior ya que myid generado para el evento ya estaba en archivos db.