¿Cómo enseñar a la niebla sobre geth?

Tengo geth 1.5.8 y Mist 0.8.9. Geth ejecuta Homestead con parámetros predeterminados. IPC está en la ubicación predeterminada.

 $ geth version
Version: 1.5.8-stable
Protocol Versions: [63 62]
Network Id: 1
Go Version: go1.7.5
OS: linux
 $ mist --version
[2017-02-11 17:06:00.857] [INFO] main - 0.8.9
 $ ls -lsha $HOME/.ethereum/geth.ipc 
0 srw------- 1 user users 0 Feb 11 17:03 /home/user/.ethereum/geth.ipc

Sin embargo, mi billetera de niebla no se conecta a geth. Incluso cuando le enseño sobre la ruta al binario geth, comienza a descargar un nuevo nodo.

 $ mist --gethpath /usr/bin/geth
[2017-02-11 17:08:30.103] [INFO] main - Running in production mode: true
[2017-02-11 17:08:30.163] [INFO] main - Starting in Mist mode
[2017-02-11 17:08:30.190] [INFO] Db - Loading db: /home/user/.config/Mist/mist.lokidb
[2017-02-11 17:08:30.197] [INFO] Windows - Creating commonly-used windows
[2017-02-11 17:08:30.197] [INFO] Windows - Create secondary window: loading, owner: notset
[2017-02-11 17:08:30.216] [INFO] updateChecker - Check for update...
[2017-02-11 17:08:31.590] [INFO] Windows - Create primary window: main, owner: notset
[2017-02-11 17:08:31.602] [INFO] Windows - Create primary window: splash, owner: notset
[2017-02-11 17:08:31.823] [INFO] ipcCommunicator - Backend language set to:  en-US
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.364] [INFO] (ui: splashscreen) - Web3 already initialized, re-using provider.
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.439] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Initializing...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.439] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Resolving path to Eth client binary ...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.439] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Eth client binary path: /usr/share/mist/nodes/eth/linux-x64/eth
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.440] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Checking for new client binaries config from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/mist/master/clientBinaries.json
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.673] [INFO] updateChecker - App is up-to-date.
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.831] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - No "skippedNodeVersion.json" found.
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.833] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Initializing...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.834] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Resolving platform...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.835] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Calculating possible clients...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.839] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - 1 possible clients.
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.839] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Verifying status of all 1 possible clients...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.841] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Verify Geth status ...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.859] [ERROR] ClientBinaryManager - Unable to resolve Geth executable: geth
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.864] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Download binary for Geth ...
[2017-02-11 17:08:32.867] [INFO] ClientBinaryManager - Downloading package from https://gethstore.blob.core.windows.net/builds/geth-linux-amd64-1.5.8-f58fb322.tar.gz to /home/user/.config/Mist/binaries/Geth/archive.tar ...
^C[2017-02-11 17:08:36.336] [INFO] main - Defer quitting until sockets and node are shut down
[2017-02-11 17:08:36.336] [INFO] Sockets - Destroy all sockets
[2017-02-11 17:08:36.338] [INFO] Sockets/3 - Disconnecting...
[2017-02-11 17:08:36.340] [INFO] Sockets/node-ipc - Disconnecting...
[2017-02-11 17:08:36.343] [ERROR] main - Error shutting down sockets

Esto es realmente molesto. ¿Por qué Mist está comprobando la ruta binaria de todos modos? ¿El navegador no se conectaba directamente al IPC en versiones anteriores?

Parity tiene una --no-downloadopción, ¿hay algo similar para Mist?

Respuestas (1)

Muestre la ubicación .ipc a la niebla.

mist --rpc "/home/user/.ethereum/geth.ipc"