¿Cómo disminuir las LUT usadas en el diseño de FPGA?

Estoy trabajando con el chip Spartan 2 XC2S50 FPGA en la placa Xilinx

Hay un problema en mi diseño que aumenta el número de LUT usadas

y esta es la biblioteca de utilidades:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

package Utility is
 Type Char_Array is array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 DownTo 0);

 Constant CharArray : Char_Array(0 to 38) := (
  "00110000", -- 0
  "00110001", -- 1
  "00110010", -- 2
  "00110011", -- 3
  "00110100", -- 4
  "00110101", -- 5
  "00110110", -- 6
  "00110111", -- 7
  "00111000", -- 8
  "00111001", -- 9
  "01000001", -- 10 : A
  "01000010", -- 11 : B
  "01000011", -- 12 : C
  "01000100", -- 13 : D
  "01000101", -- 14 : E
  "01000110", -- 15 : F
  "01000111", -- 16 : G
  "01001000", -- 17 : H
  "01001001", -- 18 : I
  "01001010", -- 19 : J
  "01001011", -- 20 : K
  "01001100", -- 21 : L
  "01001101", -- 22 : M
  "01001110", -- 23 : N
  "01001111", -- 24 : O
  "01010000", -- 25 : P
  "01010001", -- 26 : Q
  "01010010", -- 27 : R
  "01010011", -- 28 : S
  "01010100", -- 29 : T
  "01010101", -- 30 : U
  "01010110", -- 31 : V
  "01010111", -- 32 : W
  "01011000", -- 33 : X
  "01011001", -- 34 : Y
  "01011010", -- 35 : Z
  "00111010", -- 36 : ":"
  "00100000", -- 37 : Space
  "10110000"); -- 38 : -                                                     

-- Type LCD_Text is Array(natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(7 Downto 0);
-- SubType LCD_Line is LCD_Text(1 to 16);

 function reverse_vector(a : IN std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
 function StdCharNum(I : std_logic) return std_logic_vector;

end Utility;

package body Utility is

function reverse_vector(a : IN std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
  variable result: std_logic_vector(a'RANGE);
  alias aa: std_logic_vector(a'REVERSE_RANGE) is a;
  for i in aa'RANGE loop
    result(i) := aa(i);
  end loop;
  return result;

function StdCharNum(I : std_logic) return std_logic_vector is
 Case I IS
  when '0' =>
   return CharArray(0);
  when '1' =>
   return CharArray(1);
  when others =>
   return CharArray(37);   
 end case;  

end Utility;

Creo que la salida del multiplexor aumenta las LUT usadas. ¿Cómo puedo cambiar el multiplexor para disminuir las LUT usadas?

Lo he intentado de muchas maneras, pero no hay posibilidad de disminuir suficientes LUT.

Cambiar std_logic_vector a bit_vector para los tipos de puerto puede ser útil o no.

Editar :

Cambié el diseño a este:

library ieee ;

Entity Main IS
        LCDSelector : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 Downto 0);
        MemAddr : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 Downto 0);
      Seg_Out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0);
      LED_Row : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0);
      LED_Col : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0);
      Buz_Out : OUT STD_LOGIC;
        LCD_Data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0));
END Main;

Architecture Structure OF Main IS

 Component Base_Com is
  Port(CLK : IN std_logic;
       Reset_In : IN std_logic;

       INPR_In : IN std_logic_vector(7 Downto 0);

       Instruction : IN std_logic_vector(15 Downto 0);

       RunMode : IN std_logic; -- 0 = Normal  1 = Debug;
       RunDelay : IN std_logic_vector(2 Downto 0); 

       MemDispAddr : IN std_logic_vector(11 Downto 0);

       Start, Step : IN std_logic := '0';

       State : OUT std_logic_vector(2 Downto 0);

       AC_Out, DR_Out, IR_Out, TR_Out : OUT std_logic_vector(15 Downto 0);
       AR_Out, PC_Out : OUT std_logic_vector(11 Downto 0);
       INPR_Out, OUTR_Out : OUT std_logic_vector(7 Downto 0);
       Mem_Out : OUT std_logic_vector(15 Downto 0);

       Flag_I, Flag_S, Flag_E, Flag_R,
       Flag_IEN, Flag_FGI, Flag_FGO : OUT std_logic);
 End Component;

 Component Keyboard IS
      Reset : IN STD_LOGIC;
        BCState : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 Downto 0);
      Invalid_Key : OUT STD_LOGIC;
      IC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0);
        PC : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0);
      ProgState : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 Downto 0);         
      Key : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(16 Downto 1);
        Ins : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 Downto 0);
        BCRunMode : OUT STD_LOGIC;
        BCRunDelay : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 Downto 0);
        BCStart, BCStep, BCReset : OUT STD_LOGIC);
 End Component;

 Component Buzzer Is
 End Component;

 Component LEDMatrix is
 end Component;

 Component LCD_Controller is
  Port(Clk : IN STD_LOGIC;  --system clock
       Reset_n : IN STD_LOGIC;  --active low reinitializes lcd
       LCD_Enable : IN STD_LOGIC;  --latches data into lcd controller
       LCD_Bus : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 DOWNTO 0);  --data and control signals
       Busy : OUT STD_LOGIC := '1';  --lcd controller busy/idle feedback
       RW, RS, E : OUT STD_LOGIC;  --read/write, setup/data, and enable for lcd
       LCD_Data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)); --data signals for lcd
 end Component; 

 Signal Key : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(16 Downto 1);
 Signal KBState : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 Downto 0);
 Signal InvalidKey : STD_LOGIC := '0';
 Signal LEDRow1, LEDRow2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0) := "00000000";
 Signal LEDRow : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0) := "00000001";
 Signal BuzOut : STD_LOGIC := '0';
 Signal ICBinary : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0) := "00000000";
 Signal PCBinary : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0) := "00000000";
 Signal ICTens, ICOnes, PCTens, PCOnes : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 Downto 0) := "0010";
 Signal ICSeg1, ICSeg2, PCSeg1, PCSeg2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 Downto 0) := "00000000";
 Signal Kb_DE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 Downto 1) := "000";

 Signal LCD_Enable : STD_LOGIC;
 Signal LCD_Busy : STD_LOGIC;
 Signal LCD_Bus : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 Downto 0);

 Signal CurrentLCDLine : STD_LOGIC := '0';

 Signal BCReset, BCRunMode, BCStart, BCStep : std_logic := '0';
 Signal BCRunDelay : std_logic_vector(2 Downto 0);
 Signal BCState : std_logic_vector(2 Downto 0);

 Signal INPR_In : std_logic_vector(7 Downto 0);

 Signal Ins : std_logic_vector(15 Downto 0);

 Signal AC, DR, IR, TR, Mem : std_logic_vector(15 Downto 0);
 Signal AR, PC : std_logic_vector(11 Downto 0);
 Signal INPR, OUTR : std_logic_vector(7 Downto 0);
 Signal I, S, E, R, IEN, FGI, FGO : std_logic;

 Signal LCDCounter : Integer range 0 to 32 := 0;
 Signal LCDWrite : std_logic := '0';

-- Type LCD_Memory is Array(1 to 208) of std_logic_vector(7 Downto 0);
-- Constant LCDMemory : LCD_Memory :=
--          ("01010000", "01010010", "01001111", "01000111", "01010010", "01000001", "01001101", "00100000", -- Line_PK - 1
--           "10110000", "00100000", "01001011", "01000101", "01011001", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000",
--           "01000101", "01001110", "01010100", "01000101", "01010010", "00100000", "01010010", "01010101", -- Line_GM - 17
--           "01001110", "00100000", "01001101", "01001111", "01000100", "01000101", "00100000", "00111010",
--           "01000101", "01001110", "01010100", "01000101", "01010010", "00100000", "01010010", "01010101", -- Line_GD - 33
--            "01001110", "00100000", "01000100", "01000101", "01001100", "01000001", "01011001", "00111010",
--           "01010010", "01010101", "01001110", "10110000", "01000100", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_RD - 49          
--           "01010010", "01010101", "01001110", "10110000", "01001110", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_RN - 57
--           "01000100", "01001111", "01001110", "01000101", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_DN - 65
--           "01001101", "01000101", "01001101", "01001111", "01010010", "01011001", "00100000", "00111010", -- Line_Mem - 73
--           "01000001", "01000011", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_AC - 81
--           "01000100", "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_DR - 89
--           "01001001", "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_IR - 97
--           "01010100", "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_TR - 105
--           "01000001", "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_AR - 113
--           "01001001", "01001110", "01010000", "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_INPR - 121
--           "01001111", "01010101", "01010100", "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_OUTR - 129
--           "01001001", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_I - 137
--           "01010011", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_S - 145
--           "01000101", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_E - 153
--           "01010010", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_R - 161
--           "01001001", "01000101", "01001110", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_IEN - 169
--           "01000110", "01000111", "01001001", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_FGI - 177
--           "01000110", "01000111", "01001111", "00100000", "00111010", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Line_FGO - 185
--           "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", -- Null_1 - 193
--            "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000", "00100000"); -- Null_2 - 201


 BC : Base_Com Port Map(Clock, BCReset, INPR_In, Ins, BCRunMode, BCRunDelay, MemAddr, BCStart, BCStep, BCState,
                        AC, DR, IR, TR, AR, PC, INPR, OUTR, Mem, I, S, E, R, IEN, FGI, FGO); 

 LEDRow1 <= Key(16 Downto 9);
 LEDRow2 <= Key(8 Downto 1);

 KB : Keyboard Port Map(Clock, '0', BCState, Kb_RK, Kb_DE, InvalidKey, ICBinary, PCBinary,
                        KBState, Key, Ins, BCRunMode, BCRunDelay, BCStart, BCStep, BCReset);

 ICTens <= ICBinary(7 Downto 4);
 ICOnes <= ICBinary(3 Downto 0);
 PCTens <= PCBinary(7 Downto 4);
 PCOnes <= PCBinary(3 Downto 0);

 LM : LEDMatrix Port Map(Clock, LEDRow1, LEDRow2, LED_Row, LED_Col);
 BZ : Buzzer Generic Map(15465)
             Port Map(Clock, BuzOut);

 LCD : LCD_Controller Port Map(Clock, '1', LCD_Enable, LCD_Bus, LCD_Busy, LCD_RW, LCD_RS, LCD_EN, LCD_Data);

-- MLCD : MUX_LCD Port Map(Clock, LCDSelector, BCState, KBState, BCRunMode, BCRunDelay, Key, Mem, AC, DR, IR, TR,
--                         AR, INPR, OUTR, I, S, E, R, IEN, FGI, FGO, LCDText1); 

 with ICTens Select
  ICSeg1 <= "00000110" when "0001", "00111111" when others;

 with ICOnes Select
  ICSeg2 <= "00000110" when "0001", "01011011" when "0010", "01001111" when "0011", "01100110" when "0100",
            "01101101" when "0101", "01111101" when "0110", "00100111" when "0111", "01111111" when "1000",
               "01101111" when "1001", "00111111" when others;  

 with PCTens Select
  PCSeg1 <= "00000110" when "0001", "01011011" when "0010", "01001111" when "0011", "01100110" when "0100",
            "01101101" when "0101", "01111101" when "0110", "00100111" when "0111", "01111111" when "1000",
               "01101111" when "1001", "00111111" when others;  

 with PCOnes Select
  PCSeg2 <= "00000110" when "0001", "01011011" when "0010", "01001111" when "0011", "01100110" when "0100",
            "01101101" when "0101", "01111101" when "0110", "00100111" when "0111", "01111111" when "1000",
               "01101111" when "1001", "00111111" when others;                  

 DE <= Kb_DE;
 with Kb_DE Select
  Seg_Out <= ICSeg1 when "000", ICSeg2 when "001", PCSeg1 when "100", PCSeg2 when "101", (others => '0') when others;

 Process(InvalidKey, BuzOut)
  if (InvalidKey = '1') then
   Buz_Out <= BuzOut;
   Buz_Out <= '0';  
  end if;
 end Process;

-- Process(BCState, BCRunMode, BCRunDelay, KBState, Key, MemAddr, Mem, AC, DR, IR, TR, AR, INPR, OUTR, I, S, E, R, IEN, FGI, FGO)
-- begin
--  LCDWrite <= '1';
-- end Process; 

  if (Clock'Event and Clock = '1') then 
--  if LCDWrite = '1' then
     if (LCD_Busy = '0' and LCD_Enable = '0') then
      LCD_Enable <= '1';     
      LCDCounter <= LCDCounter + 1;
      if (LCDCounter = 17) and (CurrentLCDLine = '0') then
      LCD_Bus <= "0011000000";
      LCDCounter <= 16;
      CurrentLCDLine <= '1'; 
        case KBState is
         when "00" => -- Program
          case LCDCounter is
            when 1 =>
             LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(25);
            when 2 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
            when 3 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
            when 4 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(16);
            when 5 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
            when 6 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(10);
            when 7 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(22);
            when 8 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 9 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(38);
            when 10 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 11 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(20);
            when 12 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 13 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(34);
            when 14 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 15 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
            when 16 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
         when others =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & Key(LCDCounter - 16))));                    
          end case; -- counter case

         when "01" => -- GetMode
          case LCDCounter is
            when 1 =>
             LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 2 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
            when 3 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(29);
            when 4 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 5 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
            when 6 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 7 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
            when 8 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(30);
            when 9 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(23);
            when 10 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 11 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(22);
            when 12 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
            when 13 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
            when 14 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 15 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 16 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
         when others =>
          if LCDCounter = 17 then             
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & BCRunMode)));
           LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
          end if;                 
          end case; -- counter case

         when "10" => -- GetDelay
          case LCDCounter is
            when 1 =>
             LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 2 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
            when 3 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(29);
            when 4 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 5 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
            when 6 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 7 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
            when 8 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(30);
            when 9 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(23);
            when 10 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 11 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(22);
            when 12 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
            when 13 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
            when 14 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
            when 15 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
            when 16 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
         when others =>
          if LCDCounter = 17 then             
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned(BCRunDelay)));
           LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
          end if;             
          end case; -- counter case

         when others =>
        case LCDCounter is
         when 1 =>
          if BCState = "110" then
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
             end if;
         when 2 =>
          if BCState = "110" then
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(30);
             end if;
         when 3 => 
             LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(23);
         when 4 =>
          if BCState = "110" then
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(38);
             end if;
            when 5 => 
             if BCState = "110" then
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
              if BCRunMode = '1' then
               LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
               LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(23);
              end if;
             end if;
            when 6|7|8 =>
          LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
         when others =>
             case LCDSelector is
              when "0000" => -- Memory
               case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(22);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(22);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
             when 13 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
             when 14 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(34);
             when 15 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & Mem(32 - LCDCounter))));                 
                end case;

              when "0001" => -- AC
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(10);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(12);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 13|14|15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & AC(32 - LCDCounter))));              
                end case;

              when "0010" => -- DR
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(13);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 13|14|15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & DR(32 - LCDCounter))));              
                end case;

              when "0011" => -- IR 
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(18);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 13|14|15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & IR(32 - LCDCounter))));              
                end case;

              when "0100" => -- TR
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(29);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 13|14|15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & TR(32 - LCDCounter))));              
                end case;

              when "0101" => -- AR
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(10);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 13|14|15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter < 29 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & AR(32 - LCDCounter - 4))));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;            
                end case;

              when "0110" => -- INPR
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(18);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(23);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(25);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
                 when 13 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                 when 14 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter < 25 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & INPR(32 - LCDCounter - 8))));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when "0111" => -- OUTR
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(30);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(29);
             when 12 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
                 when 13 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                 when 14 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when 15|16 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter < 25 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & OUTR(32 - LCDCounter - 8))));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;
              when "1000" => -- I
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(18);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & I)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;             

              when "1001" => -- S
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(28);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & S)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when "1010" => -- E
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & E)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when "1011" => -- R
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(27);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & R)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when "1100" => -- IEN
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(18);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(14);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(23);
                 when 12 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                 when 13 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & IEN)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when "1101" => -- FGI
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(15);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(16);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(18);
                 when 12 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                 when 13 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & FGI)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when "1110" => -- FGO
                case LCDCounter is
                 when 9 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(15);
                 when 10 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(16);
             when 11 =>
              LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(24);
                 when 12 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                 when 13 =>
                  LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(36);
             when others =>
                  if LCDCounter = 17 then
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(to_integer(unsigned'("" & FGO)));
                   LCD_Bus <= "10" & CharArray(37);
                  end if;                
                end case;

              when others =>
             end case;

        end case;                     
       end case;      

      if LCDCounter = 32 then
       LCDCounter <= 0;
        CurrentLCDLine <= '0';
      end if;
      LCD_Enable <= '0';
     end if;
--  else
--   LCD_Enable <= '0';
--  end if;
  end if;   
 end Process;

End Structure;

Declaré una matriz como Memoria para caracteres LCD, ¡pero aumentó las LUT!, luego cambié el Proceso para hacer que el cambio de caracteres LCD sea secuencial pero sin posibilidad de disminuir las LUT usadas.

¿Cómo puedo declarar una matriz que usa BlockRam en lugar de LUT?

tienes eeprom?
No existe tal parte como el XC25S50. ¿ Te refieres a XC2S50 ?
@duskwuff, ¡sí!
Es posible que deba cambiar las opciones de síntesis. El archivo de salida del sintetizador ".syr" explica cuándo detecta matrices de memoria y cómo las implementa.
Además, todos los blockRAM de FPGA necesitan un reloj, no puede usarlos como giga-multiplexor asíncrono. necesita "data_read<=ram(dirección);" luego, en el siguiente ciclo, puede multiplexar los datos leídos del bloque con otros valores.

Respuestas (3)

Coloque los datos de su personaje en BlockRAM en lugar de usar LUT como RAM distribuida.

Gracias, el ejemplo en el PDF es un tipo de matriz, pero cuando declaro una matriz, aumenta las LUT usadas

Los rams de bloque y las máquinas de estado (por lo que genera un carácter por reloj en lugar de algún tipo de gran bus paralelo que toca la bocina) son el camino a seguir aquí (los muxes anchos son cerdos lógicos).

No pude encontrar la descripción general de la arquitectura para esa parte obsoleta, por lo que no pude verificar qué está disponible, pero incluso en esa cosa debería haber algo de RAM disponible, y debería haber una plantilla para instanciar una rom.

Realmente no sé cómo se sintetiza ahora, pero sería mucho mejor si pudiera generar caracteres secuencialmente (o ensamblar las cadenas en varios ciclos de reloj)

Debe colocar todas sus cadenas en un bloque de RAM preinicializado (que se puede definir simplemente como una matriz VHDL con constantes, sin usar ningún bloque Xilinx especial). El texto variable puede etiquetarse con caracteres especiales y luego seleccionarse con un multiplexor.

También puede intentar usar algo como:


para convertir de caracteres VHDL a niveles lógicos.

Hacer que su diseño sea más secuencial podría reducir drásticamente su tamaño.

gracias, pero ¿cómo puedo poner el tema en un bloque de RAM preinicializado? cuando declaro una matriz, aumenta las LUT utilizadas. ¿Puedes darme un ejemplo de trabajo?